Miss Presley Grace Pogue made her grand appearance into this crazy world on 8-20-2010 weighing 6 lbs 2 oz. She is absolutely perfect and mommy and baby are doing fantastic. Congratulations Pogue Family! We love you
Yesterday we celebrated Brooks' 3rd birthday & Briggs' 1st birthday. Katie did a camo theme and it turned out super cute. She had a big blow up slide/pool and lots of yummy food. Happy Birthday Boys!
I got the idea of letting Reed paint on a canvas for his room from Katie May who got the idea from reading MckMama's blog. What a cool idea and Reed did it all on his own. I basically got all the colors in his quilt and let him go to town. They turned out pretty cute if I say so myself and he loved getting to do it! He is pretty proud of them and wants to show everyone who comes over his new Pictures.